Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Home is on my Mind

                           Did some baking the other day. Yummy Stuffed oreo chocolate chip cookies 

To say that I have more time for things like blogging and baking might be true if there wasn't an almost 3 year old running things around here. He has been acting very three lately. Who knew a three year could be so fresh (not fresh like in flirty, the Jersey fresh ,as in smart mouth)! We are dealing with it but my oh my it is tiring! The sweet exploring 2 year old that caused me to say, "the terrible twos were not so bad", is gone and a three year boy exploding with energy and independence has arrived. I guess I just have man up and deal. It really takes a lot of patience to let a little person be independent.

With that said, can I tell you how much I am enjoying staying home! I really love the time we have together to play and be silly. I also love it when I am teaching him something and I can see he gets it. He is fun and I am enjoying the person his becoming. I feel so much happier because I know this is where I should be. I finally feel at peace with where I am in life. No more inner conflict pulling  me towards home because here I am.

I still have a lot of work to do making this house into a proper home. I have given my self until May to get everything hung and in it's proper place but I think I need to step that back and put a tighter time constriant on myself.  Like, by the end of March. I keep getting bigger and bigger and it is getting more difficult to bend over :) I can't imagine what a pain decorating will be when I am ultra huge at 8-9 months which is coming up soon.

I've been thinking a lot about the new baby boy that will be blessing our home soon enough. I want to call him Ben. I think i am going to have another sweet little boy only I think he won't be as stubborn as his  big brother. We will see.

That is what is on my mind. It's nice to be back.


Just a girl said...

Diva...I miss you! I'm glad that you are able to be home with little PB&J and enjoy your time with him :) I'm excited to meet #2 when he makes his entrance

Sarah said...

I think I may have to get that recipe..Jay would love them. I should have told you that 3 is SO much worse then 2. You are an excellent mama and I can't wait to see what baby #2 brings. Miss you!

Becca said...

Peter is hitting the terrible three's. Although I still think for us 2 was worse but then again we have a year left to see. So far though 2 was worse. I'm excited to see you tomorrow and I love the name Ben!

Keeping up with the Bonacci's said...

Sarah- just click on the words oreo stuffed cho. chip cookies to take you to the recipe")