Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Peter's Dump truck cake

My baby boy has turned 3! He wanted a tractor party but what he means by tractor is any heavy duty construction vehicle. He found me browsing how to make a tractor cake online and told me that he wanted one. This is him inspecting the cake after I finally finished.

We had a mild day: chillin' in the morning, a quick visit with Daddy at his work, and then off to Chick-fil-a for lunch and play time. We stopped at the store for a few things then it was off to nappy land. He took at nap and I tackled this cake.

We invited a few friends over from church and my friend Terri came over with her kids for some cake. It was a small get together and I needed people to eat this cake! We are having another party for Peter and Matt up in NJ with the family in a few weeks and I am not making another cake to haul over there. Besides, everyone needs a cake on their real birthday.

Peter loves people! So he loved it when his friends arrived to celebrate with him. He made his whole day just having other children around to play with.

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Sunshine said...

That is one cool cake. I'll have to remember that when Brig's birthday comes in Sept.He's a truck guy. Happy Birthday Peter-you're such a sweetie!

Sarah said...

Dude! That is an awesome cake! :)

crazyzver said...
