Sunday, May 16, 2010


Time flies when you are having fun! We have been so busy as of late that I have put off documenting all we have done. I have enjoyed the private togetherness we have been spending as a family but now it's time to let you in on all the fun. 


For Mother's day Matt told me we could go whereever we wanted for Mother's day weekend. I thought it would be fun to go stare at the Amish (just kidding, we didn't stare we just admired). So we headed off to Lancaster County, PA only a 2 hour drive from our home in New Jersey.

We took Peter to a petting zoo in Intercourse, PA and he really liked the animals. Below is a picture of him after the donkey sucked on his finger. He didn't like that at all! We ate at fun family farm restaurant  drank homemade rootbeer and browesed the Amish markets. Out of repsect for the Amish people we did not photograph them. Although I enjoyed seeing them work in their fields with their plows and horses. I admired their work ethic and the simpicity of their life style. It was a breath of fresh air.
We also found some covered bridges. It was a lovely and fun day of exploration


Just a girl said...

Looks like a great way to spend Mother's Day! I love that there is a petting zoo in intercourse, ha ha

Ms. JMU said...

a family "vacation"... LOVE IT! your little guy is so stinkin cute, that naughty donkey for makin peter's fingers all slimy. you have such a great family!

Sarah said...

Cool! I'm with Emily!

Becca said...

Fun! I've always wanted to visit that area.