Tuesday, April 06, 2010


We had a great Easter weekend! Peter and I traveled to Virginia to visit with old friends while Matt stayed home because he had to work. We stayed with the Calderwoods in thier home. The weather was so beautiful! We also metroed into DC to see the cherry blossoms. They were in full bloom and so pretty. Peter and his buddy Ella had fun chasing a football and running around in the open spaces of the Mall. We played at a lot of parks, saw more friends (Becca I wish we would have gotten pictures with you and Troy) and enjoyed the gorgeous Virginia countryside.

When we got home on Easter morning we got to visit with my sister Jen and her husband John who were in Philly for the weekend on a spur of the moment buisness trip. Matt met up with them the night before and had dinner and explored Philadelphia with them.He also dog-sat Dinah for them as she was not allowed in Jen and John's hotel. We had a nice visit. After they left to return to Boston we packed up and headed over to our sister-in-laws house for an Easter egg hunt and to celebrate Matt's mom's birthday.  We had a great time. What a blessed weekend! Easter is my favorite holy day because it symbolizes light overcoming the dark. It is a new beginning and because of our Savior we can all have one.

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