Thursday, February 11, 2010

Winter Picnic

I want to go on a winter picnic.
I’ll bring the blanket and you bring the basket and we’ll both sit down in the snow. White glistening tree tops bow down to form the perfect backdrop for our lovely lunch. We sip hot chocolate from our thermos and giggle as the snow melts from the branches and plops on your covered head. The sun will delight us with diamonds sparkling across the snowy field and we will comment on the beauty of a rosie cheek. It will be glorious and our bottoms will not get cold and our coats will not get wet.


Becca said...

Beautiful! I love when you write like this. When do you wanna meet up for a picnic? I wish! That sounds like fun. I miss going to Cosi's and getting hot cocoa or smore's with our girls. ahhh, the good 'ol days!

Portland girl. said...

A Wintertime picnic! With a Winter chill nipping at a nose, and a puff of air every time one of us spoke...and, a rise of warmth spiralling smoke from cocoa...and, maybe some hot-hot warm soup to eat...and, a big fat, comfy sandwich...and, a rich chocolate small desert to follow it all up with....'Cuz by then, I think, the novelty, and wonder of the snow picnic...could be close to wearing off...YEH, a Wintertime picnic...Yea! One never knows the adventures of a blog stroll....Thanks for the adventure...