Monday, February 08, 2010

Save the post man!

Write more letters!!!
* Write a love note to your significant other and mail it via the Post Office.
* Write an old friend and show an interest in her/his life again.
*Try writing your Mom and let her know how much she means to you.
* Write yourself a letter reminding you how really cool you actually are.
*Write a letter to a friend Jane Austen style.
*Just write! It feels wonderful to let words flow through a pen and onto the paper.
* For the greater good of humanity, just write!

Letter writing is the only device for combining solitude with good company. ~Lord Byron


Just a girl said...

Writing letters is a dying art. i am glad you are trying to bring it can write me anytime. I promise to write back :)

Renee and Jake said...

I am inspired to write.....