Tuesday, July 07, 2009

darn target test!

Okay, so I just took the preggo test and wouldn't you know the test results were invalid! It was a dud! The second window stayed white. Never buy TARGET BRAND Pregnancy tests! This has happened to me before. The last time I bought the TB 2 pack test both were invalid. I know it isn't me. I know how to pee on a stick!

Oh well, the mystery will have to wait until I can get to the store. Hopefully I'll just get my period and won't have to worry about it.


Sunshine said...

ooooo exciting!

Sarah said...

uh... WHAT!!!!?????

Keeping up with the Bonacci's said...

i still don't know for sure. I just hink right now...not an offical annnouncement!

Kristy said...

I hate waiting! I took I think 3 tests or something before my last one showed up positive. I think it was the test too, because I switched brands and it was positive right off. Try the Walmart brand. They are cheap and I have had good luck with them...good luck if you are! HF will provide...it's amazing the miracles he works right when we need them, especially when it comes to kids...