Wednesday, July 08, 2009

She Came

Ok, NOT pregnant! Funny though because I was certain I was. All the nausea and yuckiness. Oh well, i did get a few phone calls as a response to those two posts. Sorry to get every one's hopes up, especially my own.

Must be stress and anxiety. Any tips on how to relax until I find a job or things turn around?


Just a girl said...

Take 5 minutes to breathe slowly every day- Helps me relax :)

Becca said...

Prayer, lots of prayer. I was getting excited reading your earlier posts but at the same time nervous for you. I know you have a lot of stress right now. I wish I were closer and we could go have picnics together with the kids (or without). I've wanted to call you for stress reasons too this week but thought I might talk to the big guy first. Don't worry, you're still on the call list. Hopefully manana:) But prayer has helped me a little this week. I know it could help you too... that and a job of course.