Sunday, December 12, 2010

We got the JOB!!!

Matt got the job in Virginia!!! We are thrilled to have him back to work, mostly he is thrilled. I'm kinda sad at the thought of losing my stay at home dad who does the cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. I'm gonna miss that! But he is so ready to get back to counting cars and designing roadway systems.

We will be moving to the Staunton, VA area. Matt and I traveled down there this weekend to find a place to live and we found a nice little town home to rent. So we are almost all set. After Christmas i'll start worrying about the move. I still have two more weeks of work to get through....

So thank you for all the prayers, they worked! And anyone want to buy a cute mini victorian house?


Just a girl said...

I am so excited for y'all! I know it must be a huge relief! I will miss being as close to you...but it now gives me a reason to come to VA

Sunshine said...


Ms. JMU said...

you were so close and didn't say hi!? i am so happy for you and matt. but i am a bit more excited that you will be back in virginia!

Becca said...

Yay! VA is for LOVERS and we LOVE YOU!