Thursday, November 04, 2010


We are waiting! We are waiting for a job offer that we hope and pray will come any day now. We are waiting for health insurance cards to arrive in the mail for Pete so we can take him to the doctors if he needs to go. We are waiting for someone to come along and buy our house. We are waiting for a new baby to come in or around the end of May. We are doing a lot of waiting and if you know me at all, I hate waiting! I am a girl of action so all this waiting around is driving me NUTS!

 I am feeling so blank. Not looking forward, not looking back just stuck in a drery present of wanting to do nothing. That is my story and why I haven't written anything in a while. (no I am not depressed, that is just how  by body is reacting to this new pregnancy. I have a very small desire to do anything these days).
So as all the waiting comes to a close and I have something to report, I will. Until then!



Sarah said...

We are waiting too! praying for ya! Can't believe we are each going to have another baby three weeks apart!

Sunshine said...

Oh Kristin. I completely understand. Completely, well almost. I'll call ya!

Sarah Kay said...

*fingers crossed* I'm amazed by your faith!

Missy said...

Wow, that is a lot to wait for! I hope everything works out for you and family! Congratulations on your pregnancy too. I hope it goes smoothly!

Just a girl said...

Diva...I love reading your blog and am hoping you have lots of great new things to write about like a fantastic job! Exciting news about the baby too :)