As a little girl on this day of the year my dad always came home with a red flower on his shirt. I now know that it was a poppy and that he wore it out of respect for all of those who have served our country. My dad was in the Army for over 20 years. I still remember him coming home from work in his Army fatigues looking so handsome and strong. He never saw combat but he served with dignity and honor. He was a tremendous example to me of bravery and patriotism. Thank you for serving Dad. I love you and respect you.
I would also like to thank Matt's Dad, John. He served in Vietnam and made it home in time to marry Matt's mom and become Matt's father. He didn't have to serve but he chose to enlist because he felt it was the right thing to do. We honor and thank him for his wonderful example of patriotism.
My Grandfather, Clair LuRay served in the Navy and went to the Philippines at the tail end of World War II. Thank you Grandpa! I wish I could have known you better.
Matt's Grandfather, John Peter was at the battle of Okinawa during Word War II. He survived that bloody and dangerous battle as a Marine. I am so grateful to our Father in Heaven for preserving the lives of Matt's grandfather and father in two very serious and deadly conflicts so Matt could be born and become my husband.
I would remis not to mention my brother, Mike (Army), my brother-in-law, John (Marines) and sister-in-law, Elena (Marines) for their service as well. Thank you!
Matt and I are surrounded my examples of sacrifice and love of country. That is how we were raised. It takes a brave person to join the Military. Knowing that he or she may have to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country makes these men and women heros. We have wonderful examples of patriotism in our families and today we would like to thank them because we recognize that without acts of bravery and service we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today. Thank you to all Veterans, God bless you all!
I second everything you said, Diva! My brother, all three grandfathers, many uncles, and friends have served, or are serving our country. It does take special people to be willing to do that...I think it is sad that so many people forget that we have the freedoms we do because of this service
That's really nice Kristin. What a good and deserving tribute.
hey girl. i miss your posts.
(this is beautiful, by the way.)
hope you are off to a great 2010!
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