My friend Emily and I went up to Boston this summer to see my sister Jen and meet her Fiance (now husband), John. I really really love Boston. This is us in front of Pizzeria Regina. Great pizza in the North End. I love Pizza and Boston!

This is when we were in St George for my sister Jen's wedding. It was so beautiful!She married a pretty great guy. We had so much fun getting together with my family. It doesn't happen very often that we all can be in the same place at the same time so we enjoy it while we can.

It was fun to be in Utah because that is where my Mother grew up. Her family still lives there. Growing up we didn't see much of my Aunts or cousins because we always lived on the East coast and they lived in the Salt Lake Vally. It was so much fun to see my cousin Laura and her husband and to meet my cousin Rachel's little handsome baby Jazon. We took a picture of the Kofford grand kids to commemorate the occasion and my aunt cried. She wished my Grandmother could have been there to see almost all of her grandchildren together. My Grandmother passed before that could ever happen.

Matt, Peter and I had a really great summer! We had some tough times. But during the tough times our truest friends come out of the wood-work and make themselves known. That happened a lot during this short famine of ours. I was treated to movies and to a fun filled trip to NYC (Thanks girls, you don't know how much that meant! I will return the favor someday!)Our trip to Southern Utah cost us next to nothing because of helpful parents and one thrifty bride and groom. We are so blessed and we know it. Thank you to everyone who loves us. We love you too and are so grateful for you!
Sounds like fun Kristin. Ah those good ol' Summer days and nights!
Miss you! That was a very nice trip!
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